Subject: ANWR
Dear Mr. President,
Though I respect the office that you hold, I have to write and register my dismay and frustration at your administration's continued plans for oil drilling in ANWR. What a horrible precedent this will set for our country's future. How deeply you have underestimated the people of this country, and our willingness to make personal sacrifices through conserving energy in order to protect and preserve our nation's natural treasures. Today's extremely tight Senate vote approving this measure is being proclaimed as a victory for your administration, and so I will give you full credit. For you to turn your back on such a broad range of citizens, scientists, and scholars who have consistently and thoughtfully objected to this measure and asked sincerely for your consideration convinces me that you are deaf to those that do not share your views. I am distressed and disillusioned with this outcome.
Subject: ANWR
Dear Mr. President,
Though I respect the office that you hold, I have to write and register my dismay and frustration at your administration's continued plans for oil drilling in ANWR. What a horrible precedent this will set for our country's future. How deeply you have underestimated the people of this country, and our willingness to make personal sacrifices through conserving energy in order to protect and preserve our nation's natural treasures. Today's extremely tight Senate vote approving this measure is being proclaimed as a victory for your administration, and so I will give you full credit. For you to turn your back on such a broad range of citizens, scientists, and scholars who have consistently and thoughtfully objected to this measure and asked sincerely for your consideration convinces me that you are deaf to those that do not share your views. I am distressed and disillusioned with this outcome.
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