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I spent a fine morning at the banding station. It’s interesting how highlights often having nothing to do with the birds we're targeting. Today for example, we were walking the nets lanes and had a spectacular look at a barred owl. What was it doing out so late in the morning? Hopefully not going to investigate the birds in the net--in search of a tasty breakfast perhaps? Anyhow, it sure was fun to see. Other fun sightings included: butterflies: many species of skipper butterflies, some monarch caterpillars, a few eastern tiger swallowtails, a viceroy, an azure, etc. (I don't really know butterflies but if I hang out there enough I'll soon learn); birds: a bunch of indigo buntings, some blue grosbeaks, a northern parula, a hooded warbler (lovely in the hand), some northern shovelers, and a Wilson's phalarope (!). I admit that my favorite things to see out there are green tree frogs--from a distance they're like green gumdrops scattered through the leaves.
Other than that it’s been a quiet day. Went out to dinner with JB, and am looking forward to a quiet night at home with Mr. Nuthatch.
Other than that it’s been a quiet day. Went out to dinner with JB, and am looking forward to a quiet night at home with Mr. Nuthatch.
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